Which Moisturiser Should I Use?

This a question I get asked a lot (skincare is a vexed topic for Cosmetic Doctors) and the short answer is is ‘anything that suits you!’

If it feels good - it does good! BUT… we still want more for our patients.

Let me explain it like this:-

Even as an Associate Professor of Clinical Aesthetics I still have NO BUSINESS getting between you and your favourite Beauty Counter or Advisor.

If you have a liking, or maybe a need, for vast quantities of what the ‘ground floor cosmetic counters’ have to offer, then go for it!

All good!

If, however, you are a minimalist and want what works best, the following might help:




Sunscreen (Of your choice)

Makeup (Of your choice)




Cleanser (Of your choice)
Moisturiser* (Consider Professional Advice)


Because the night time use of “Medical” moisturisers represent a higher standard (sometimes they are called Cosmeceuticals).       

Best choice deserves professional discussion but may include:

  • Fruit acids known as AHA’s (Glycolic, Lactic, Salicylic)

  • Vit A’s Retinol (Retinaldehyde is best here)

  • etinyl Palmitate Retinyl Aceteate (usually a bit weak for my liking)


If you have access to a Cosmetic Doctor and practice for Medical Skin Maintenance,
Ask them about:

  1. Prescription Vit A- Retinoic acid

  2. Prescription Estriol(if post-menopausal)

  3. Prescription Hydroquinone (if pigmented)

These “Medical Moisturisers” change, repair and preserve the skin’s architecture, especially sun damaged Aussie skin, for the better and not just conceal and cover.

If you don't have an expert cosmetic Doctor, then the Cosmetic Physicians College of Australia’s website, it's a good place to start.

In my next blog I'll discuss anti-wrinkle injections and the different types available.

Dr Neal Hamilton