Sunscreen Isn't Just for Summer

I'm a strong advocate for using sunscreen, not only for fighting the obvious - like skin cancer, but also in the fight against premature ageing.

If you were to calculate the total amount of time we expose parts of our skin to the sun during our lives you may well come up with a number that'll shock you. Any amount of time our skin spends, small or large exposed to the sun it adds up, it's not just long days at the beach during summer that ages us.

And if you have any doubt as to whether the small trips to the shop, pegging clothes on the line or your early morning walks with the dog don't affect your skin you just need to compare the skin that never sees the light of day (wherever that may be) to somewhere like your forearms or the back of your hand and compare the difference in wrinkles, softness and overall quality.

In this video below I explain the different types of sunscreen and the best practice for using it in the fight against premature ageing.

Doctor Rachel.