Have you Looked at Chelsea Lately?

Fractional Laser Resurfacing - “It’s F**king Awesome”: Chelsea Handler.

The secret’s out! Chelsea Handler doesn’t mince her words so when the 41 year old comedian and talkshow host recently shared her experience of having fractional laser treatment on her face and subsequently posted her photos on Instagram, her 2.8 million followers listened - And rightly so.

She was ecstatic: “It’s f**king awesome and no one is paying me to tell you about it.” And who can blame her? Fractional laser treatment is one of the procedures that makes the biggest difference to your skin and is the most popular resurfacing procedure at Concept Cosmetic Medicine, both for celebrities and the not-so-famous.

What Is Fractional Laser Treatment?

Fractional laser (or Profractional Laser as it is known in the States) works to even out skin tone and texture and improve complexion and pigmentation so that you can not only reverse the signs of ageing but sustain the process for 12-18 months. And because we use the Fraxel Repair laser, this can all be done in a SINGLE treatment! This is due to the ablative CO2 technology in the Fraxel Repair laser, which gives better results but less severe downtime than non-ablative alternatives.

Does It Hurt?

Most patients are very surprised by how painless the procedure actually is.  A numbing cream is applied before the procedure and at CCM we use a special technique so that any potential discomfort is reduced even further. 

How Long Does It Take?

The numbing cream takes an hour for full effect and the procedure itself takes about half an hour. So in total you will be with us for about 90 minutes.

What Are The Side-Effects?

The day following treatment you will look and feel sunburnt. The next day that redness becomes a dark “tan”. Over the next 2-3 days, this tan gently flakes off. You should accommodate 4 to 5 days of downtime: think of it as your well-deserved time off to relax and rejuvenate.

Is It Right For Me?

The Fraxel laser is revolutionary in that it can be used safely on ALL skin types. So if you’re looking for more beautiful, youthful skin just in time for all those Christmas parties and other special occasions, then it is definitely something to consider. The results generally last 12 to 18 months. I personally have the treatment once a year so that my skin can stay in a time capsule.

But if you need a star-studded testimonial, U.S talk show queen Chelsea Handler is a glowing example and ambassador of the treatment. Have you looked at Chelsea Lately?

Remember though, not all Fractional Lasers are the same. At CCM, we only use the Fraxel Repair laser and there is a big difference between our state-of-art equipment and that used by the “less certified” providers. Please, be careful of cheap imitations. There’s more information on the comparative differences HERE.

Dr Stefan Lo